
Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

Dana Rose and her desire to make the world more beautiful...

As love grows in you, so does beauty. Because love is the beauty of the soul.
St. Augustine
When I do an interview I always try to listen not only to the words but also to the emotions that the person I am talking to conveys to me.. in this case they are different, but I can immediately think of a few adjectives: gentleness, romance, sophistication, nature and simplicity.

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

Hands of the South, Hands of Union

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that there was something greater than circumstances within themselves. "Bruce Barton.

A PAPILLON as a symbol of union between land, family, passion and craftsmanship.

Raffaele Stella Brienza believed in it and made his dream come true because he was able to see beyond his idea, how deep the meaning of this was and linked to his love for his native Basilicata region, and to his love for his family in particular his mother with whom he made the first bow tie collection.

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

Deuxième Vie: Snez's creative upcycling

When creativity and humility join hands to create something unique, it is necessary to tell their story.

Meet Snezana known as Snez and creator of the Deuxieme vie brand in Geneva. Today I tell you a little about her story, the life of a great woman, a mother, a seamstress and daughter of a designer of wedding dresses.

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

Laura Catignani: a woman capable of creating magic and making dreams come true through her hats

Once upon a time there was a magnificent woman named Laura .... there was she and the magic of her hats

There are people born to think (there is lots of thinking involved in making hats, especially making patterns)!, others born to create. They say that skill is only the result of commitment and dedication, (It took a lot of this too) while that is true, we sometimes forget about the meaning of the word Gift. For you, what does it mean to have a gift? For me it means being able to create something unique without effort. Only those who have thought of such ideas and implemented them with passion are truly the masters. Today I want to talk to you about the gift of creation, the one that Laura Catignani possesses.

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

What does the Image Consultant really does?

Many people ask you who is the image consultant? What does he do? Isn't he just a personal shopper?

Only in recent years has the definition Image Consultant become a little more familiar in everyday language.
Through newspapers, the internet and some television broadcasts, in some countries than in others, we talk about image and consultancy.

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

# I always wear my most beautiful dress: simplicity #

This is the story of Nayla, a joyful Argentine woman, an independent entrepreneur, a mother and also a famous Marketing Coach. Her story is the story of many women, very busy in work and family life who do not often find time to take care of themselves. Doing a job closely linked to Social Networks and having to introduce herself to clients, Nayla asked me to accompany her on a new path of rediscovering herself and enhancing her as a woman

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Oriana Mazzola Oriana Mazzola

Made with hands and heart

I begin this adventure by introducing you to one of the first partners of my Handmade Project Angela di Blasi, creator and artist from Palermo, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo with a specialization in "Decoration".

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